Where is time going?? I just logged on here and found that I hadn't posted a blog since December 11!!! Insane! So much is going on around me, but time doesn't stand still enough for me to organize my thoughts and write. I have to make time. So today is Wednesday, Feb. 22, and I'm at the office on my lunch break, with my salad, my water, and my Django Rinehardt playing and two-plus months worth of catching up to do.
My health is good, thank God. The worst part of surgery/reconstruction (post-mastectomy) is over, and I have a little bit of cosmetic stuff to go through in a couple months, but all in all, I am well. Well enough to train for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer this coming September. Wait, not only train, but lead a team of amazing women and men (20 in total) as Team In Her Shoes. It's been fun. We've been doing weekly training walks, fundraising, and raising awareness for breast cancer. We each have to raise $1,800 to participate...and with 20 walkers, that makes our goal $36,000. So we've started early and we're 23% of the way there. info.avonfoundation.org/goto/inhershoes So here's a shameless plug: If you'd like to donate, here's the website! We're walking to put an end to all cancers and will walk in memory, honor or celebration of your loved one, so send me their name and I will carry them on our 39 mile journey!
My daughter Ani and her fiance Eric set their wedding date, so that's very exciting. They'll be getting married in the Fall, and it'll be here before you know it. So there's exciting times ahead. She's actually started a blog about the whole experience called Bacheegs & Love. I linked in if you're interested to click and read. Last month we got to go to Ani's residency graduation. She's now a full blown pediatric nurse and on her own at Children's Hospital.
The illustration job is COMPLETE as of last night at 12:45 a.m.!!! Yep, I scanned the last two drawings to the East Coast this morning, and now we're in the process of sending all 15 panels over for publication. It was part of my Lenten Journey to get these done and over with already!!! And here we are on day 3 of lent and I'm done (all except for a little sliver of cloth on the priest's waist band. Really!)
I think the one thing that has really been suffering is my jewelry business. I have been so busy that I haven't had a chance to work in silver or beads at all and given that this year's goal is to "Build my Business" I really need to get off the stick and push, push, push.
I did some writing on Hub Pages over Christmas. Recipes and whatnot. If you're interested, check it out. http://www.hubpages.com/ and you can search for me as "ahnoosh". Looks of canning and cooking recipes and the recipe for my grandma's yalanchi sarma.
Anyways, that's about all the time I have today. I just wanted to check in. I'm going to try to write more regularly. And I have a lot of ideas.
Here's today's question: Lent is here. What is your lenten journey about?